General Terms of Service

Agreement between Virtual Staging AI Inc, 2810 N Church St, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA (hereafter referred to as “Virtual Staging AI” or “we”) and You (hereafter referred to as “you” or “the client”). You are subject to the following Terms of Service.

§ 1 Scope

These General Terms of Service apply to all agreements between you and Virtual Staging AI Inc entered into through the website and to which you have agreed to be bound.

§ 2 Conclusion of contract

The contract between you and Virtual AI is concluded when you click on the "Subscribe now" button.

§ 3 Inclusion of "Paddle" as Merchant of Record

Customer order transactions are completed through our online reseller, Market Ltd, Judd House, 18-29 Mora Street, London ("Paddle"). In the process, you enter into a contract with Paddle. Your rights and obligations to Paddle are determined by the terms of your contractual agreement with Paddle. Your entering into a contract with Paddle does not change the fact that you have also entered into a contract with Virtual Staging AI. Any termination or cancellation of your contract with Paddle will not affect your contractual relationship with Virtual AI. By entering into the contract with Virtual Staging AI, you commit towards Virtual Staging AI to enter into a contract with Paddle for the corresponding service and to fulfill the resulting performance obligations to Paddle. If you fail to comply with this obligation or terminate the Agreement with Paddle in breach of your obligations to Virtual Staging AI, you will be liable for payment directly to Virtual Staging AI.

§ 4 Term and payment modalities

The duration of your subscription depends on whether you have chosen a "Monthly Plan" or a "Yearly Plan". Yearly Plan: With a Yearly Plan, you agree to pay the price specified for the respective product (Basic Plan, Standard Plan, Professional Plan, Enterprise Plan) for a period of 12 months in advance. You may cancel the subscription at any time during the initial 12-month period, effective on the date that is 12 months after the date you enter into the agreement and equal in number to the date you entered into the agreement (example: If you enter into the contract on 01/03/2023, you can cancel at any time with effect from 01/03/2024). If you do not cancel the subscription within 12 months from the conclusion of the contract, the subscription will be renewed for another 12 months and you will be obliged to pay the specified price for a period of 12 months in advance. Cancellation is possible at any time with effect from the day that is 12 months after the start of the renewal and equal in number to the date of renewal. The contract will be repeatedly renewed for 12 months, subject to the rules just described, until it is terminated. Virtual Staging AI may refuse to renew the contract.

With a Monthly Plan, you agree to pay the price specified for the particular product (Basic Plan, Standard Plan, Professional Plan, Enterprise Plan) for a period of 1 month in advance. You may cancel the subscription at any time during the first month with effect from the day that is 1 month after the conclusion of the contract and is equal in number to the day of the conclusion of the contract (example: If you enter into the contract on 01/03/2023, you can cancel at any time with effect from 01/04/2023). If you do not cancel the subscription within one month from the conclusion of the contract, the subscription will be renewed for another months and you will be obliged to pay the specified price for a period of 1 month in advance. Cancellation is possible at any time with effect from the day that is 1 month after the start of the renewal and equal in number to the date of renewal. The contract will continue to be automatically renewed for subsequent months, subject to the rules just described, until it is terminated. Virtual Staging AI reserves the right to refuse the renewal of the contract.

All prices are stated in USD (United States Dollars). The final amount charged to you may be converted to your local currency by Paddle, our merchant of record, or by your bank. The exchange rate and any applicable fees are determined by Paddle's or your bank's policies and are not controlled and covered by Virtual Staging AI.

§ 5 Seven Days Money Back Guarantee

We provide every customer with a 7 Days money-back guarantee. This means that you can cancel your subscription within 7 days without giving any reason, and you will be refunded the payments you have already made. This applies also to the Monthly Plan. However, your right to cancel the contract will not be renewed if the Monthly Plan is converted to the Yearly Plan. The 7 Days money-back guarantee expires if you have used our services for more than 19 Input Images within the period.

§ 6 Design

As your images are created or edited in an automated way we can't reliably ensure that they meet the high-quality standards that we strive for. We therefore offer this service on an “as is” basis and don't make any claims or promises as to what the resulting images look like and all images shown on our website are only exemplary. We may, but are not required to, offer free revisions as we see fit.

§ 7 Limitation of Liability

We can't guarantee that the AI won't generate content that is viewed as misleading, false, offensive or against the law from another person's or company's perspective. We therefore cannot be held accountable to you or any third party for any damages. This includes but is not limited to, lost earnings, lost savings, or any other incidental, consequential, or extraordinary damages that might arise from our service provision. You concur that we lack awareness of the intended use of the output data, whether it is text, images or otherwise. As such, we cannot accept responsibility towards you or any third party for damages, such as lost earnings, lost savings, or any other incidental, consequential, or extraordinary damages, that may result from your chosen application of the output data.

§ 8 Copyright

You assure us that any components such as text, graphics, images, designs, trademarks, or any other forms of artwork that you supply us are either owned directly by you or you possess the necessary permissions to utilize them. When you use our service we automatically assign you a non-revocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license for any purpose. By using our service you grant us a non-revocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license for any purpose for any material you supply us. We're happy to have you as a valued customer and want to show that to others. Therefore by signing up with a company email address you allow us to disclose your use of our software for advertisement purposes including the usage of your company logo.

§ 9 Miscellaneous

Virtual Staging AI's offer is aimed exclusively at business customers. By concluding the contract you explicitly confirm that you are not a consumer. This Agreement shall be governed by Delaware law. Any disputes relating to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located at Virtual Staging AI's principal place of business.

§ 10 Salvatory Clause

Should any clause in this agreement be considered unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such a clause will be regarded as detachable from this agreement. This will not influence the legitimacy and enforceability of the rest of the provisions.

§ 11 Usage-based restrictions

By using our service you agree to the use-based restrictions described in licenses on our License Agreement Disclosure page, like only using the outputs for lawful and moral purposes.