January 9, 2024

9 AI Tools for Realtors to Improve Sales

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed how most businesses approach data, communications, marketing, and other vital business processes. It’s also changing how real estate professionals do business.

From generating listing descriptions to staging properties virtually, AI tools can help agents and brokers save time, money, and effort while providing exceptional service to their clients.

In this article, we’ll explore how the real estate industry uses AI, the benefits of using AI tools in the real estate space, and the best AI tools for real estate professionals to improve their sales.

How Is AI Used in Real Estate?

Artificial intelligence today is more than a competitive advantage. It’s a necessary part of business operations, without which companies are quickly left behind.

In most cases, AI-powered tools rely on machine learning algorithms like large language models (LLM) and other types of generative AI to analyze and generate content (including text, images, videos, and sound).

Other AI solutions use machine learning and deep learning to generate complex regression, classification, clustering, and time-series models, empowering businesses to do fast and reliable predictive analysis of their data.

In the case of the real estate industry, realtors are using these AI models in various ways, such as:

  • Providing analytics and insights into the real estate market
  • Creating virtual staging and 3D virtual tours
  • Generating property listing descriptions
  • Generating and nurturing leads
  • Automating customer service
  • Marketing properties Some AI tools for realtors are designed for specific use cases. For example, Virtual Staging AI is a powerful tool designed to make virtual staging easier, faster, and more affordable.

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On the other hand, some AI tools are standalone solutions that integrate different AI models for various tasks, providing a more holistic implementation of artificial intelligence for the real estate industry.



The Benefits of Using AI Tools in Real Estate

AI tools can provide valuable insights, automate lead generation and customer relationship management, and improve real estate professionals’ decision-making. By using AI tools, agents and brokers can enhance their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction and improve sales.

Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of using AI tools in real estate:

#1 Efficiency

AI tools automate and streamline many repetitive tasks and processes in the real estate industry.

Examples of these routine tasks include generating listing descriptions, staging properties virtually, creating social media and email content, and interacting with potential clients.

These automations can save time and money for agents and brokers, allowing them to be more efficient in their work and focus on more critical and complex aspects of their business.

#2 Accuracy

AI tools can provide accurate and reliable information and insights for real estate professionals, such as property valuations, market trends, predictive analytics, and data-driven recommendations.

Some of these tools work like virtual assistants, helping agents and brokers make smarter and faster decisions, reduce errors and risks, and increase their confidence and credibility.

#3 Customer satisfaction

By using LLMs like ChatGPT integrated into chatbots and other tools, AI can enhance real-time customer interactions and experiences, such as providing instant and personalized responses or offering customized and relevant suggestions based on user inputs like budget and wish lists.

These factors can help agents and brokers build trust and rapport with their clients, understand customer behavior, improve customer engagement and retention, and boost their referrals and reviews.

#4 Increased sales revenue

Enhanced customer satisfaction combined with AI-powered marketing has the potential to increase your real estate sales, making your business grow.

The 9 Best AI Tools for Real Estate Professionals

Many AI tools are available for the real estate industry, each catering to specific needs and goals. Here are some of the best AI tools for real estate professionals to improve their sales, classified according to each relevant use case:

Best AI Tools for Staging and Virtual Home Tours

Staging a property is one of the most critical aspects of the real estate sales funnel. However, traditional staging is often costly and time-consuming, especially for large or vacant properties.

That’s why many agents and brokers are turning to virtual staging, which is the process of digitally adding furniture and decorations to an empty or unfurnished property using specialized software.

You can also use 3D virtual tours to take things up a notch. These tours are interactive and immersive simulations of a property that allow potential buyers to explore it from different angles and perspectives.

Here are the best AI tools for virtual staging and 3D tours.

#1 Virtual Staging AI

Virtual Staging AI is the world’s first virtual staging algorithm powered by artificial intelligence. Developed at Harvard Innovation Labs, Virtual Staging AI offers a seamless and efficient way to virtually stage properties using computer vision and deep learning.

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With Virtual Staging AI, you just upload a picture of an empty or unfurnished property, select a room type and a furniture style, and you’re done. Within 10 seconds, the AI-powered tool will place furniture and decorations in the picture, creating stunning and realistic results.

Virtual Staging AI has many benefits and features, such as:

  • High-quality and realistic results: Virtual Staging AI uses advanced AI technology to create lifelike and appealing virtual staging, using realistic furniture models, lighting effects, and shadows.
  • Easy and fast process: The AI tool simplifies the virtual staging process by allowing you to upload a picture and select a style without choosing individual furniture items or manually placing them in the picture. The final render will be ready in just 10 seconds.
  • AI decluttering: If your property’s spaces aren’t empty, Virtual Staging AI lets you remove unwanted objects from the initial photo. This decluttering feature leaves a blank canvas you can later stage with your preferred furniture style.
  • Affordable and flexible pricing: Virtual Staging AI offers flexible pricing options. It provides a free unlimited plan with unlimited watermarked renders, but only for a few room types and a standard design style. Paid subscriptions go from just $12 per month for the Basic plan to $69 monthly for the Enterprise plan. The latter allows 250 photos per month with unlimited renders, cloud storage, API access, and more.

#2 Matterport

Matterport is an AI-powered tool for crafting stunning 3D virtual tours in real estate. It creates a digital twin that provides valuable insights and data for your properties, letting you showcase them in a realistic and engaging way and attract more qualified buyers and sellers.

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Matterport takes scans of interior spaces and digitally stitches them together to form a continuous, interactive 3D model of your property. The AI-powered tool works with various cameras and capture options, from smartphones to professional-grade lidar cameras.

Among the features Matterport offers, you’ll find:

  • Measurement mode: You can accurately measure anything in your 3D model, such as dimensions, distances, and areas.
  • Property intelligence: With Matterport, you can unlock AI-powered insights and data about your space, such as accessibility, condition, and features.
  • Schematic floor plans: You can unlock access to 2D floor plans of your space in various formats within two days.

Best AI Tools for Marketing Your Property Listings

Another crucial aspect of selling a property is marketing it effectively. However, creating high-quality and engaging marketing content for your listings can be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you have multiple properties to promote. That’s why many agents and brokers use AI tools to help them with their marketing efforts.

AI tools can help you create high-quality and engaging content to support your marketing strategies, such as:

  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Property summaries
  • Listing descriptions
  • Social media posts

Here, we’ll look at some of the best AI tools for crafting marketing content for your listings. The following section will examine other AI marketing tools focusing on lead generation and nurturing.

#3 ListingCopy.AI

ListingCopy.AI offers a suite of AI-powered tools to generate high-quality listing descriptions for your properties, social media posts, and emails, using natural language generation and machine learning.

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Listing Copy AI can help you create listing descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of your properties, using persuasive and emotional language that can appeal to your target audience.

Some of ListingCopy.ai’s features are:

  • AI-generated listings: Create engaging, accurate, and persuasive ad copy based on property information.
  • Trend-aware: Stay in tune with the latest real estate market trends using natural language processing techniques.
  • Content optimization: Optimize your listing description for SEO and readability using keywords, synonyms, and natural language.

#4 Predis.ai

Predis.ai is a social media tool that combines ChatGPT, Canva, and Hootsuite to create and share videos, carousels, single-image posts, and more in your brand language.

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Predis.ai uses artificial intelligence to generate engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Some of Predis.ai’s features are:

  • Branded content: Make content in your brand colors and logo.
  • Video generation: Create captivating videos from text or images.
  • Creatives generation: Generate stunning images, carousels, and stories.
  • Copy generation: Write catchy headlines, captions, and hashtags.
  • Publishing and analysis: Schedule and post your content across multiple platforms and get AI-powered content analysis.
  • Brand guidelines: Customize your designs, templates, and guidelines with AI.

Best AI Tools for Real Estate Lead Generation and Follow-up Generating and following up with leads is one of the most important and challenging tasks in the real estate industry.

However, manually managing and nurturing leads can be tedious and inefficient, especially if you have a large and diverse contacts database. That’s why many real estate agencies and brokers use real estate AI tools to help them with their lead generation and follow-up processes.

Some of the best AI tools for lead generation and follow-up are:

#5 LionDesk CRM

LionDesk is an AI-powered real estate customer relationship management (CRM) platform that offers a range of features to help agents generate, nurture, and close leads.

It’s one of the most affordable CRMs, starting at $39 per month, and has a clean and customizable dashboard that makes managing client relationships a breeze. liondesk.png (Image Source)

Some of the critical features of LionDesk are:

  • Video email and video texting: LionDesk allows agents to send personalized videos to their contacts via email or text, which can increase engagement and response rates.
  • Facebook ad portal: LionDesk’s Ad Portal helps agents create and manage high-performing Facebook ads that target exclusive audiences and deliver leads directly into the CRM.
  • Lead assist: LionDesk’s AI-powered assistant automatically nurtures and qualifies leads via text, saving agents time and increasing conversion rates.

LionDesk is a great option for agents who want a simple and effective CRM that can handle lead generation, follow-up, and nurturing. It also integrates with many third-party tools and platforms, such as Zillow, Realtor.com, and Zapier.

#6 Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a cloud-based CRM platform that helps small and medium-sized businesses manage their sales, marketing, and customer service processes.

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It’s not a real estate AI tool per se, but it offers an AI assistant called Zia with a range of features to help real estate agents generate, nurture, and close leads, such as:

  • Sales force automation: Zoho CRM automates routine tasks such as lead assignments, follow-up reminders, and deal updates, saving time and increasing efficiency.
  • Generative AI: Zia, powered by ChatGPT, can generate business emails and social media posts (and you don’t have to do the heavy lifting).
  • Ticket answering: Zia can automatically respond to customer support tickets and inquiries.
  • Meeting summaries: Zia can create concise meeting minutes from long discussions, helping realtors quickly catch up with recent conversations before following up with a prospective buyer or lead.

Zoho CRM also integrates with many third-party apps and platforms, such as Mailchimp, Google Analytics, and QuickBooks.

Best AI-powered Chatbots

Another way to use AI in the real estate industry is to leverage AI-powered chatbots. Chatbots are software applications that simulate human conversations using natural language processing, generation, and conversational AI.

Chatbots can help you enhance customer interactions and streamline tasks, such as providing information, answering questions, booking appointments, and collecting feedback.

Two of the best AI-powered chatbots for real estate websites are:

#7 Landbot

Landbot is a versatile platform for creating chatbots and conversational experiences on your real estate website. It features a user-friendly, drag-and-drop, no-code interface to design interactive chatbot workflows.

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Landbot is a good option for real estate agents who want to create engaging and personalized chatbots that can capture leads, book appointments, provide information, and collect feedback.

Some of the key features Landbot offers are:

  • Rich media integration: Landbot allows rich media elements, such as images, gifs, and videos, into your conversation flow.
  • Prebuilt templates: Landbot offers templates tailored to various scenarios, such as lead generation, customer service, and surveys.
  • Customizable user journeys with keyword jump: Landbot lets you create dynamic and branching chatbot flows based on user input, keywords, or conditions.
  • Human takeover and chat manager: Landbot lets you switch from bot to human mode and manage live chat conversations with your leads and customers.

#8 ManyChat

ManyChat is a chat marketing platform that helps you create chatbots for Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS, and email. ManyChat is an excellent option for real estate agents who want to leverage the power of social media and messaging apps to reach and convert more customers.

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Some of the key features of ManyChat are:

  • Visual flow builder: ManyChat provides a graphical drag-and-drop interface that lets you easily create chatbot dialogs and sequences.
  • Unlimited growth tools and keywords: ManyChat offers multiple ways to grow your audience and trigger chatbot conversations, such as landing pages, pop-ups, widgets, QR codes, and keywords.
  • Advanced segmentation and personalization: ManyChat allows you to segment your contacts based on their behavior, attributes, and tags and personalize your chatbot messages with custom fields and variables.

Best AI Tools for Real Estate Analytics

Another way to use AI in the real estate industry is to leverage AI-powered analytics.

Analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data using various methods and tools. AI-powered analytics use artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science to collect, analyze, and interpret data using advanced algorithms and models.

AI-powered analytics can help you gain more accurate insights into your properties, markets, customers, and performance, help you make smarter and faster decisions, and achieve better results.

Some of the best AI-powered analytics tools for the real estate industry are:

#9 Zillow Zestimate

Zillow is a real estate platform that connects agents with buyers and sellers on the largest online real estate network in the United States. It also provides agents with real estate AI tools and data to manage their leads, clients, and performance.

One of them is Zestimate, a real estate tool that provides an estimated market property value for homes in the US based on various data sources and machine learning models.

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Some of Zillow’s Zestimate features include:

  • Neural network-based model: The Zillow Zestimate uses a sophisticated neural network-based model that incorporates data from county and tax assessor records, multiple listing services, brokerages, and user-submitted data.
  • Real-time data integration: The Zestimate incorporates real-time data for homes listed for sale, such as listing price, listing description, and days on the market.
  • Data-driven insights: The Zestimate provides insights for homeowners, buyers, and sellers, such as how the home value has changed over time, how it compares to similar homes in the area, and more.

Skyrocket Sales with the Power of AI

AI is changing how real estate tools work and how real estate professionals do business. Using AI tools, agents and brokers can enhance their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, improving their sales and performance.

New tools in the real estate space include everything from AI-powered virtual staging apps to CRM and other marketing tools, AI-powered chatbots, and analytics. These tools not only help secure more clients but also help obtain insights from every real estate transaction.

Any realtor who wants to compete in today’s complex market must use at least some of the above-mentioned tools. If you haven’t already jumped on the AI bandwagon, it’s high time you started using AI to help you boost your sales and performance and achieve your goals and objectives in the real estate industry.

One of the best AI tools to start with is Virtual Staging AI, the world’s first virtual staging algorithm powered by artificial intelligence.

Virtual Staging AI can significantly enhance your property listings by creating realistic and appealing virtual staging of your properties that attract more buyers. You can try Virtual Staging AI for free and see the difference it can make for your business.